Today I don’t have to write content for the blog. Just Somedays ago I asked the question to all that “What should be taught in schools?” and I got very amazing answers after filtering out some of the great answers here I represent to you all the views of different people about education.

Let’s start with one by one what they tell about education and how it can relate to the current situation!

Zaveri bhai

From the primary level, Pupils should be taught from our ancient Gurukul-style subjects/syllabus, which consists of Civic study. Like how to behave act in society and wt to do and don’t s. Because nowadays it’s observed that children don’t take care of proper manners, and pArking style, to give top priority passing of Ambulance, and firefighters. Respect for elders. First aid, helping others. Etc.
The most proper and effective teaching should be of Indian SANATAN culture and our rich shastras, which built and mold the kids for future requirements and face any eventuality.
So is the problem of basic practical knowledge of any subject. For this Gurukul Style of learning is most appropriate and proper. Because students study a lot but at times not executive as no practical training or teaching followed. Study material and syllabus should be as per present and future requirements of topics and science. Give more importance to practicals than too lengthy subjects syllabus and So on……!!

Sumit Raghwani

Practical knowledge and life lessons instead of unnecessary theories and useless facts.

Marm vora

These are the topics that can be kept in mind while designing the subjects for school so that children don’t face difficulties in their lives :

  1. Morality
  2. Time management
  3. First aid
  4. Cooking
  5. Financial awareness
  6. Human biology
  7. Universe
  8. World History and Politics
  9. Geography
  10. Global warming – how it started, current scenario, and near future
  11. Relationships management
  12. Physical fitness awareness
  13. Yoga/Meditation in daily life
  14. How to be independent
  15. Any type of defense technique (choice of a student)
  16. How to take care of our body with the things present in the house (medicinally)
  17. One musical instrument of choice
  18. Types of saleable skills
  19. Agriculture
  20. How the real world works, the Power of Money, Huge companies, inequality, and its types
    In short, such topics are more relevant in the real world (not that our conventional subjects aren’t). But a little restructuring is due.

Wow after reading all these beautiful answers I was totally surprised that so many people have so much bright insights about better education and I think many more people also have great insights to share and make it happen in reality.

Hetal Joshi

The 4 C’s of education are a set of skills that are deemed essential for success in the 21st century. They are:

  1. Critical thinking: the ability to analyze information, evaluate arguments, and make sound decisions.
  2. Communication: the ability to articulate thoughts and ideas clearly, and to communicate effectively with others.
  3. Collaboration: the ability to work effectively with others, to share ideas, and to work towards common goals.
  4. Creativity: the ability to think outside the box, generate new ideas, and find innovative solutions to problems.

These skills are considered crucial in today’s world, where rapid technological advancements, global connectivity, and constant change demand individuals who can adapt, learn, and thrive in complex environments. Educators are increasingly emphasizing the development of these skills in their teaching and learning practices, to prepare students for the challenges of the future.

I would like to thank all who share their valuable views on education. for others who want to share their views feel free to fill up this form and good answers will be published in a short time with more wonderful insights.


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