All billionaires have one thing in common and that is they all have a minimum of 1 billion dollars. (just kidding 😜)There are plenty of habits that are common among some billionaires. Like waking up early, not all billionaires wake up early. Some of them got divorced, and some dropped out of college. But the only common thing among all billionaires is Reading. They all read because they like constant learning. And the most common form of learning is reading. So we see how books made some billionaires. And how you can become a billionaire too with books!

Books shaped the lives of top investors, leaders, and entrepreneurs in essential ways. One book equipped Warren Buffett with the investing mindset that helped him become a business magnate. The Facebook CEO vowed to read one book every other week “with an emphasis on learning about different cultures, beliefs, histories, and technologies,” he wrote in a Facebook post. “I’ve found reading books very intellectually fulfilling,” he wrote on Facebook in 2015, as he embarked on a challenge of reading two books per month for a year. He says they provide an “immersive” experience. To get your mind around a book, Bill says, you should block an hour at a time every time you read. Here’s what he says: “If you read books you want to sit down an hour at a time. Every night I’m reading, I’m reading a little bit over an hour so I can take my current book and make some progress. Bill gates read 50 books a year. Throughout his childhood, books played a crucial role in fueling Musk’s ambitions. It’s said that he read the entire Encyclopedia Britannica at age nine and would pore through science fiction novels for more than 10 hours a day.
There are some books that change the lives of billionaires, and they said that they become a billionaire because of these books. Let’s dive into it…

I’m starting with the richest person on the earth right now. Everyone knows the name – Elon Musk. He is a genius with two multi-billion dollar companies. He said that one book inspired him to make the space-x company. And that book’s name is The Foundation Series by Isaac Asimov. In the seven-book sci-fi series, a visionary math professor predicts the fall of a galactic empire. As a dark age takes over, he crafts a plan to send scientific colonies to distant planets to help civilization cope with this unavoidable disaster.
How it influenced Elon Musk: A “brilliant” series that he’s reread more than once. Musk said the “Foundation” series has been “fundamental to the creation of Space X”
Said Musk, “The lesson I drew from that is you should try to take the set of actions that are likely to prolong civilization, minimize the probability of a dark age and reduce the length of a dark age if there is one.”
Asimov’s books taught Musk that “civilizations move in cycles,” a lesson that encouraged the entrepreneur to pursue his radical ambitions to transport life to Mars.
“Given that this is the first time in 4.5 billion years where it’s been possible for humanity to extend life beyond Earth,” he said, “it seems like we’d be wise to act while the window was open and not count on the fact it will be open a long time.” This is how one book make Elon musk what he is today.

Bill Gates reads more than 50 books a year. A Book that changed Bill Gates’ life and also my favorite book is Factfullness by Hans Rosling with Ola Rosling, Anna Rosling Rönnlund. “Factfullness,” explores why humans are consistently wrong about common problems facing the world. Instead of making decisions based on facts and data, humans are largely influenced by unconscious biases. The book explores ten instincts that keep humans from putting the world into perspectives, such as how we’re more likely to pay attention to things that scare us or topics with impressive size and scale.
How it influenced Bill Gates: “Factfullness” has impacted how Gates approaches some of his own private foundation work, offering him a new framework for how to think about the world. Instead of dividing the world into two wealth groups — rich countries and poor countries — the book proposes that there are actually multiple income group levels, ranging from the most extreme poverty where people cannot afford shoes to levels where people have running water or enough disposable income to take vacations.
This is a better way to detect progress in the world, Gates learned. When the world is broken up between just rich and poor countries, it’s easy to think anyone without a certain quality of life is poor, Gates wrote.
“This was a breakthrough to me,” explained Gates on his blog, “The framework Hans enunciates is one that took me decades of working in global development to create for myself, and I could have never expressed it in such a clear way. I’m going to try to use this model moving forward.”

Warren Buffett read 500 pages daily at the age of 91 years. The book that makes Warren Buffett is “The Intelligent Investor” by Benjamin Graham. Published in 1949, the book details the philosophy of ” value investing” or buying stocks when they are undervalued. Graham considered one of history’s top investors, teaches the basics of evaluating a stock’s investment opportunity and what makes a business fundamentally strong.
How it influenced Warren Buffett: At 19, Buffett accidentally bought “The Intelligent Investor” and later re-read the book about a half dozen times. He said it inspired the investment philosophy he uses to this day.
“It changed my life,” said Buffett “Graham’s book gave me a bedrock philosophy on investing that made sense. He taught me how to think about the stock market. He taught me that the market was there not to instruct me, but to serve me.”
Graham would later become Buffett’s hero and mentor.

Mark Zuckerberg reads 2 books per week. The book that changed his life is “Creativity, Inc.” by Alice Wallace and Edwin Catmull.
Edwin Catmull, president of Pixar Animation Studios and Walt Disney Animation Studios, and writer Alice Wallace give readers an inside look at how Pixar became the creative powerhouse it is today.
The book details step the company took to make innovation a key priority. Catmull argues, for example, that companies should encourage employees to share new ideas.
“Don’t wait for things to be perfect before you share them with others,” he writes. “Show early and show often. It’ll be pretty when we get there, but it won’t be pretty along the way.
How it influenced Mark Zuckerberg : Zuckerberg so enjoyed the book that was painted on the walls of Facebook headquarters in Menlo Park, California, which is a line that showcases a similar idea: “Better done than perfect.”
“I love reading first-hand accounts about how people build great companies like Pixar and nurture innovation and creativity,” Zuckerberg writes.
So there are as many examples as billionaires in this world. But I think to understand the importance of books and reading. Note that I’m not saying reading books will guarantee becoming a billionaire. But I’m damn sure that reading books will change your life within a short period of time and no one knows, if you will find one book that can change your entire life and you will achieve whatever you want from life. I wrote this article with my heart because I also found my life in one book called ” The God Equation” by Michio Kaku. It completely changed my mind and now It’s my purpose in life to fulfill the demand of the Universe with my capabilities.
Summary: All the books recommended by the billionaires have helped them think clearly, become better leaders, and built billionaire dollar companies. We may not copy their bank balance or lifestyles, but we can indeed read books they loved and recommended. Never stopping learning is the key to success in any field.
Happy Reading…Waiting for the next billionaire…
Great work and thoughts keep it up ..god bless you every time
thank you so much…
thank you so much…