As my idol Swami Vivekananda said, “ Vasudhaiva kutumbakam”.means, “The world is one family.”
It is the only beacon light for survival, growth and real progress for human society, particularly in the strife-torn world of today.
Unity in diversity is something that we have been practicing for thousands of years, the underlying belief says the same, we have emerged from one, the Brahman(not caste) , the ultimate reality.
अयं निजः परो वेति गणना लघुचेतसाम्।
उदारचरितानां तु वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम्॥
Meaning :
This is mine, that is his, say the small minded,
The wise believe that the entire world is a family.❤️
What is my view on it?
I am not swami vivekanand but as I follow him from years and read so many books on him, I think I’m ready to share my views to make this world a better place for every human.
I want to give an example to make this understand simple.
Suppose one day the aliens come on earth and attack on us. Now if you ask me that why they attack on us directly? So I just want to say that if they look at the earth from above then, they see that humans are fighting because of religions, countries(area), caste, money, power and property. So it’s a rule here on earth to fight for everything and that’s what aliens do.
So my point is when aliens attack on earth. Should we still fight among us and can anyone care about religion or caste or money? Or we fight together to save us from aliens? The answer is simple, we fight together regardless any other factors that exist right now.
So the point of this imagenary story is if we can unite with one external cause, then why we can’t be unite internally without any other reasons? Why we need reasons to make unity among us! No one decides there birth place or caste or religion. But everyone can decide to be human ❤️😍.
That’s the beauty of our consciousness 💫that’s the gift of God to us. Use it 💞
Advantages of unity of world
- No more wars means automatically more development and progress for all.
- No borders so it’s easy access to use all resources for everyone from everywhere.
- One world one money. No more money differences between countries. No more recessions.
- One world one language. No more language barrier to go anywhere.
- One world one education for all which I think the biggest Advantage to remove the inequalities and knowledge gap.
And at last,
Swami Vivekanand
one world one religion and that is “Humanity ❤️“.
I love the idea of this unity of world and that’s why I write it. If you also love it then share it to all people whom you know and help me to make this happen real one day.🙏🙏

thank you so much