I know it’s impossible to say anything about Mother’s capacity. It’s infinite and can’t express it with words. It’s hard to put into words how much your mother means to you, after all, she gave you life. but today I want to make it special for all mothers out there.
I have read so many books to learn something new and useful in life. After reading so many books I have realized that the answer that I am searching for is in front of me all the time. Because what I have learned from so many books, is everything, I am watching it every day at my home from my mother.
I just think that all mother naturally knows the meaning of life and they are living it while we are searching for it in books and on the internet.
Selfless love is the only meaning of life and all mothers naturally know it.
My mother has taught me that hard times can be overcome and that losing battles can be won. She has taught me more than I could have learned from any book. She sets an inspirational example for me teaching me how to live life and make wise choices, even in the most uncertain situations. I respect her a lot.
1. She always thinks from the heart 💙❤️.
I don’t know how but every decision she makes is only from the heart always❤️. It amazed me every time how can someone be so selfless and do whatever Is good for her child even if it’s wrong.
It’s true saying that God can’t be everywhere, so he made mother ❤️.
2. She can do anything 🔥🔥
Every mother can do anything for her children. Even she can face death for her child’s safety. And that applies to animals too. We have seen so many videos where mothers sacrificed their lives for their children. Something that only a mother can do it.
Like in KGF, the biggest fighter in this world is the mother, no one can beat her when she protects her child.
3. No matter what, she always takes my side.
I am very sure about this thing that whatever I do, my mother is always by my side. No matter what she always supports me, encourages me, and helps me to achieve whatever I desire. Just as saying, if you have the blessing of mother then nothing is impossible for you. She always
4. Always teach me the true values of life.
She always respects the truth and devotes to the truth. She only scolds me when I speak lies. She always teaches the value of truth. People call it sanskaras and I call it my habit which I learned from my mother.
5. Be positive and always have a grateful heart.
My mom, is my world, best friend & biggest fan. I’ve learned nearly everything from her – but the biggest life lesson she’s taught me is to be positive and always have a grateful heart.
6. Always work hard at whatever you do.
I have seen from my childhood that she never gets tired from any work. Day or night, I never heard no from my mother for anything at any time. If I fall sick then she stayed a full night for me and even work a full day after waking up at full night with a big smile on her face 😇. I can’t imagine the strength of the mother and can’t compare it with anything in this universe.
My Mom taught me to always work hard at whatever I do. At the end of the day, you can take pride in the work that you do and know that you’ve done your best. I learned this from the way she lived her life and still does to this day. She always goes above and beyond in her work and her personal life for others. I can cross any limit of hard work by just inspiring her.
7. Be kind to all.
My Mom taught me that the most important thing is to be loving, kind, and nice to others.
She always helps those in need. Taking some time to help others is a human life purpose that she taught me and I hope one day I’m half as strong and wise as she is.
8. Don’t work for results, work for satisfaction.
Yes, what the bhagwad gita teach is already applicable to all mothers in this world. Shree Krishna said, do work but never ask for results. As all mothers do, they never complain, they never demand, and they never ask for anything in return for whatever they do for their family. It’s her satisfaction that always gives her the energy to do it.
I mean how much I can write and you can read when the topic is endless. I just want to say don’t go anywhere for motivation, just take some time from screens and look what your mother does all day and you will learn more than anything in this world. Spend some time with your mother and see the beauty of god and feel the God within herself 😍❤️.
comment on what you learned from your mother and share it with all mothers to make them feel special.
Super se upr
thank you thank you