“The Art Of Managing Beautiful Relationships”: Harmony



For what reason am I writing this? Well, in recent times, I have experienced relationship breakups and divorces. And it occurred to me, how could someone break up with someone after spending so much time together? Are they misinterpreting each other or are they unaware of the true significance of their relationship? Yes, it’s a pretty difficult subject, and neither a master nor a guidebook that can be read and used in everyday life exists. I can share my knowledge about achieving perfect harmony in any relationship you like, based on my study of books and articles. Together, let’s explore this vast ocean of knowledge up close.

First of all, what is the relationship? What do we interpret and what’s the true definition? Let’s understand it with one amazing video…

I believe you now realize that a relationship isn’t a term that refers to a single individual or a particular location in your life. Your relationship with someone is defined by everything you do with them. My relationships in cricket are not the same as my ones in bookish conversations. I can’t make someone care about my passions or what I want to do. The most crucial lesson to learn is to seek a different partner for each of your diverse interests rather than settling for someone who adores everything you do. That implies you shouldn’t be married more than once 😂. It is true that you should love more than one person, but each person’s definition of love is unique. My love for my partner differs from that of my pals, but it’s not something to compare or gauge. It’s how you make them feel around you and how you feel around them.

What is the Foundation of relationships?

The foundation of a relationship is an essential element that creates and sustains deep, meaningful, and lifelong connections. A relationship that exudes harmony, respect for one another, and a strong bond is considered lovely. It is a relationship in which both parties experience support, understanding, and value. These kinds of relationships are marked by sincere concern for one another’s welfare, mutual celebration of accomplishments, and patient and empathetic problem-solving. A beautiful relationship is defined by mutual respect for each other’s originality, open communication, and a shared sense of purpose that drives both partners to grow as a couple.

Key characteristics of a beautiful relationship include:

Trust, communication, respect, empathy, love and affection, shared values and commitments. Yes, looked like a big list but it’s just the tip of the iceberg. It’s not the things you learn or teach someone, it’s something you have within yourself. Yes, you can improve on those things with knowledge. Here I am not talking about these points because these are the things that you already know or heard from somewhere. I want to say something which is neglected by many sources.

The point is what you do for your relationships or what change do you think need for yourself to be perfect?

Relationships are reflections of YOU/I/WE(thyself)

The way you treat others in a relationship often reflects your inner self-perception. If you are confident, secure, and self-loving, this will be mirrored in how you engage with others. Conversely, unresolved insecurities or self-doubt can manifest in how you relate to your partner, often leading to challenges in the relationship.

Nowadays people seek perfectpartnersrsr by making assumptions and fantasies about their choices. Money, fame, looks, status, etc are the basic requirements before choosing partners. Even now we see kids choose their friends with some basic rules like height, gender and other many things which is bad influence for future. I am not saying choose blindly but real meaning of choosing is crushed over this materialistic things. Real things to see in any relationships are behavior, how they treat others, how they talk with everyone and most importantly how they react and approach to every situations. See how they contribute to the society? How their presence make feel others? What do they do when they are angry and how often they got angry? How they celebrate their success and how they behave while they failed! What is the thing that make them special for you? What they do for you in your need!

Scaning emotions and behavior is the biggest gift you can have as a human being.

Dipesh Joshi

Now in the above paragraph replace they with I/you(thyself) and read it over again. It’s ok I am helping you. Let’s see…

What do I see best in myself? How I behave with others? How I talk with everyone? How I react and approach to every situations? How I contribute to the society? How my presence make feel others around me? What makes me angry and how I react while I am angry? How I celebrate my success and What I do when i failed? What special thing about me to make any relationship beautiful? What change do I need to make progress in any relationship consistently?

What I would be expected in a relationship is what I have to give in a relationship…

That’s the answer to make any relationship beautiful. Ask yourself these questions and answers of these questions define your relationships with everyone. But what if I give everything and get in return nothing? Answer is “Best expectation is to expect nothing...” Happiness mantra for life.

Listen to what Shraddha Kapoor said about relationships…

Why Friendship is the best relationship?

Friendship is often considered the best relationship because it forms the foundation of all other meaningful connections in life. True friends are there for each other through thick and thin, offering support without expecting anything in return. This unconditional support fosters a sense of security and trust that is unmatched in other types of relationships. Friends often share a deep understanding of each other’s thoughts, feelings, and quirks. This level of understanding creates a bond where both parties feel truly seen and accepted for who they are, without the need for pretense. Friendship is built on mutual respect and equality. In a true friendship, there’s no power struggle or dominance; instead, both individuals value and respect each other’s opinions, boundaries, and choices.

One of the most liberating aspects of friendship is the freedom to be your authentic self. Friends accept each other’s flaws and imperfections, allowing each person to express themselves without fear of judgment. Friendships can be emotionally deep without the pressures that sometimes accompany romantic relationships or familial obligations. This allows for a pure connection based on mutual affection and companionship. Many friendships endure over a lifetime, weathering changes in circumstances, locations, and life stages. This enduring quality makes friendship one of the most stable and long-lasting relationships we can have.

Oh my friends alone word take my whole day to write about it. I feel grateful to have best friends in my life and I know you all feel the same about your friends. They are heartbeats for life.


The art of managing beautiful relationships is all about you. What you do is best define how you want your relationship to be. Don’t expect mango without planting mango tree first. Same as don’t expect your partner to be perfect for you before you become perfect for yourself and them. Again I am not an expert or counsellor of relationships but what I wrote is based on my understanding with real life experiences around me and what I read from different books and blogs. If you want to read the best book on relationships then here

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Dipesh Joshi is totally weirdo, He lives with more books than people.
Jade blue street
150 Feet ring road, Rajkot
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