
You Only Need One Skill To Win In Life : Learn and Excel

Imagine standing on the edge of a vast field of possibilities. There are countless paths…

“The Art Of Managing Beautiful Relationships”: Harmony

Relationships For what reason am I writing this? Well, in recent times, I have experienced…

“Mastering the Art of Unlearning: Unlearning is the new Learning”

What is Unlearn? Unlearning is a potent technique that enables people and organizations to make…

How to become a learning machine like Elon Musk and Naval Ravikant.

Be a learning machine in the new era of machine learning. In the rapidly advancing…

Unlocking the Power of Peak Performance: IN THE ZONE State

Introduction: In the vast landscape of human achievement, there exists a state of consciousness where…

Unlocking Your Potential: Top 5 Books to Read in 2024 for Better Productivity and Life

Introduction: In the hustle and bustle of modern life, many of us find ourselves yearning…

Harmony in Honesty: Navigating the Thin Line Between Speaking “Good” and Speaking “Truth”

Introduction: Communication serves as the lifeblood of any society, shaping its values, beliefs, and relationships.…

Human cost on progress: Human Capabilities Lost in Innovation

With each innovation, we lost something from our capabilities. Dipesh Joshi It's true that as…

Unlocking the Power of the Memory Palace Technique(LOCI method)

The Memory Palace, also known as the Method of Loci, is a mnemonic device that…


That's an interesting way to look at it! In a sense, humans are the result…