Creativity is about connecting the dots.

creativity by dalle

Creativity is a new combination of existing ideas presented in a new way

When you are interested in something and know something about it, that creates new dotes in mind which makes new things in mind and this process is called creativity.

Source of creativity in a way an intensity that you have probably not experienced yet to understand the first pillar of creativity we, first of all, need to understand what creativity exactly is creativity is just connecting things it’s about connecting the dots in a new and novel way an example is steve jobs wanting to build a laptop without a keyboard nowadays they call it the iPad that’s a creative idea in itself but when they started to work on that he connected this thought with the thought of building an iPhone and he came up with the idea of creating a smartphone with a touchscreen.

Follow your curiosity

Humans are considered creative due to our ability to think abstractly and generate novel ideas and solutions to problems. This ability is believed to stem from the complex structure and function of the human brain, which allows us to make connections between seemingly unrelated concepts, and to understand and manipulate symbols and language. Additionally, humans can reflect on our thoughts and experiences, allowing us to learn from the past and plan for the future. All of these factors contribute to our ability to create new things and solve problems in unique and original ways.

When you are extremely curious about something, automatically new dots will generate in your mind. connect all the dots with your past experience. Boom you have creativity.

Each of us has been built to make history, in our own authentic way.

There are some signs of a creative person.

  1. Curiosity and a desire to explore and learn new things.

2. The ability to think outside the box and come up with unique solutions to problems.

3. A willingness to take risks and experiment with new ideas.

4. The ability to see connections and patterns that others may not see.

5. A strong sense of intuition and imagination.

6. A drive to create and express oneself through various mediums.

7. The ability to work through failures and continue to generate new ideas.

8. A tendency to question assumptions and challenge the status quo.

9. A highly developed sense of originality and authenticity in their work.

10. A high degree of flexibility and adaptability to change.

It is important to note that creativity can manifest itself in different ways and it may not always be visible in a person’s behavior or work.

You have to be imaginationalist to be creative.

Creativity can manifest in many ways, including but not limited to:

Artistic expressions, such as painting, music, and writing
Innovation in business or industry
Scientific discoveries or advancements
Problem-solving and coming up with new ideas
Creating new technologies or devices
Designing new products or services
Improvisation in performance or communication.

Now the question is how to develop creativity.

Creativity is a complex and multi-faceted concept, and there is no one-size-fits-all answer to how to be creative. However, here are a few tips that may help to boost creativity:

  1. Set aside dedicated time for brainstorming and idea generation.
  2. Challenge yourself to think differently and consider unconventional ideas.
  3. Get inspiration from diverse sources, such as other cultures, fields, and disciplines.
  4. Collaborate with others and seek out constructive feedback.
  5. Stay curious and keep learning new things.
  6. Practice mindfulness and take care of your physical and emotional well-being.

It’s important to note that creativity is not something you can turn on and off at will, it’s a habit and mindset, that need to be nurtured and developed over time.

Chess and Rubik’s Cube can both be effective tools for increasing creativity in different ways.

Playing chess can help to improve problem-solving skills, strategic thinking, and the ability to think ahead. It can also encourage creativity by challenging players to come up with new and original strategies.

Solving a Rubik’s Cube can also help to improve problem-solving skills, and require the use of spatial reasoning and visualization. Additionally, solving the cube can teach patience and perseverance.

Both chess and Rubik’s Cube can help to increase creativity by providing a mental challenge that requires the use of different cognitive skills.

It is important to note that while playing chess and solving the Rubik’s cube may not directly lead to an increase in creativity in other areas, it can help to train the brain to think in different ways and ultimately help to increase creativity in other areas.

Follow Revealedge for more curious articles and develop creativity.

Read this book on creativity for more insights. CREATIVITY UNLEASHED