How to become a learning machine like Elon Musk and Naval Ravikant.

Be a learning machine in the new era of machine learning. In the rapidly advancing era of machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI), becoming a learning machine like Elon Musk is essential for several reasons. Elon’s approach to continuous learning and adaptation can serve as an inspiration for staying relevant and competitive. 

Emulating figures like Elon Musk, who exemplifies continuous learning and adaptation, can help individuals remain competitive, innovate, and achieve personal fulfillment. By adopting a growth mindset, leveraging resources, engaging in practical projects, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, you can become a learning machine ready to thrive in the new era.

I am obsessed with learning how to learn. My obsession is being an expert learner. I devoted more than 100 hours to researching how Naval Ravikant, Sam Altman, and Elon Musk assimilate knowledge.

A bit about me: who is reading it for the first time? 

I am a full-time reader. In my free time, I am the author of a book called “The Power of Brahma Muhurta,” published on Amazon, and a blogger on my website, I recently started a digital marketing agency to help e-commerce brands grow with paid marketing. 

In my free time, I love looking into fascinating people and seeing what I can learn from them. Here’s what I found on learning how to learn:

Colleges are overrated

Most people are convinced you need college to learn. Elon is proof that you don’t. Many people believe college is essential for learning and success, but Elon Musk’s achievements challenge this notion. Although he studied economics and physics, he has founded four billion-dollar companies in completely different fields. 

His story suggests that traditional education is not the only path to knowledge and success. Instead, curiosity, self-directed learning, and practical experience can also lead to significant accomplishments, even in areas where one has no formal training. Musk’s example highlights the potential for success through alternative routes beyond conventional college education.

Knowledge Tree technique

Elon’s mental model for learning quickly is the ‘Knowledge Tree.’

The idea is to view knowledge as a tree, so you can break it into bits. For example, ‘trunks and big branches’ vs. ‘leaves and fruits’.

When you understand the trunk first (i.e., the fundamental principles) before moving on to the leaves (the finer details), you can increase your learning capacity by 10x. This simple framework is how he was able to teach himself rocket science.

Elon Musk’s remarkable ability to assimilate complex information and innovate across various fields is often attributed to his use of the “knowledge tree” technique. This method involves structuring information hierarchically, akin to a tree’s branches. To learn effectively, one must first grasp the foundational principles that form the trunk of the tree. These core concepts support more detailed knowledge of the branches and leaves.

By building a robust base, Musk ensures that his understanding can support intricate details without collapsing under complexity. This method allows for the integration of disparate fields, fostering a multidisciplinary approach to problem-solving. For instance, Musk’s ventures in space exploration, electric vehicles, and artificial intelligence are all rooted in a profound comprehension of physics and engineering principles.

Incorporating the “knowledge tree” approach can transform one’s learning strategy. Begin with the essentials, then progressively branch out, ensuring each new piece of information connects back to the core. This not only solidifies understanding but also uncovers connections between seemingly unrelated domains. As demonstrated by Elon Musk, mastering this technique can catalyze innovation and foster a deeper, more interconnected grasp of complex subjects.

Make Learning Fun

Seeing learning as a chore instantly inhibits the release of dopamine in your brain. That’s why it’s vital to approach learning with the same excitement as a video game. This mental shift can help you move at your own pace and study for longer hours.

Transforming the way we learn can revolutionize our experiences, much like the captivating allure of a video game. Imagine an education that mimics the immersive and engaging elements of gaming. Naval Ravikant, a visionary thinker, often emphasizes the importance of making learning as exhilarating as playing a video game.

The secret lies in the fusion of challenge and enjoyment. Naval advocates for an approach where educational content is not merely absorbed but interacted with dynamically. Imagine a scenario where each concept mastered is a level conquered, and each problem solved is a boss defeated. This gamified methodology doesn’t just make learning more fun; it instills a sense of achievement and progression, akin to advancing through stages in a beloved video game.

Integrating rewards, immediate feedback, and a structured yet flexible path, similar to game mechanics, can keep learners deeply engaged. The journey becomes as enjoyable as the destination, fostering a perpetual desire for knowledge. Just as Naval envisions, transforming learning into an experience as fun and compelling as a video game can ignite a lifelong passion for education, transcending traditional boundaries and creating a new paradigm where curiosity and excitement lead the way.

Always Be curious

If you’re not genuinely curious about a problem, you’ll never go far in solving it. Have the courage to go down rabbit holes that are deeply meaningful to you, not just trendy topics. The most successful people in any field are the most curious ones.

In the realm of intellectual giants, few names resonate as profoundly as Einstein. His groundbreaking theories revolutionized our understanding of the universe. Yet, at the core of his genius lay a simple but powerful trait: an insatiable, curious nature. 

To always be curious, like Einstein, is to embrace the world with a sense of wonder and inquiry. Curiosity propels us to ask questions others might overlook and to delve into the unknown with fearless enthusiasm. It’s the spark that ignites innovation, pushing the boundaries of what is possible. 

Einstein’s curious disposition led him to challenge conventional wisdom, exploring realms from the subatomic to the cosmic. He exemplified how a relentless quest for knowledge can transform the ordinary into the extraordinary. His curiosity was not limited to his scientific endeavors; it permeated his entire existence, influencing his philosophical musings and humanitarian efforts.

Cultivating a curious mindset opens doors to endless possibilities. It encourages continuous learning, fostering a deeper understanding of the complexities of life. By nurturing our inner Einstein, we can approach challenges with creative solutions, inspired by the same fervor that drove him to uncover the secrets of the universe. 

In an ever-evolving world, to always be curious is to remain eternally youthful in spirit, ever ready to discover, learn, and grow.

Reading is the main engine of learning.

Many people read books solely to cross them off their list. They read to gain bragging rights. Instead of virtue signaling, read only to satisfy your intellectual curiosity. Don’t read to complete. Read to understand.

Reading is the cornerstone of intellectual advancement, serving as the primary catalyst for acquiring knowledge. It is a tool through which individuals can access vast reservoirs of wisdom accumulated over centuries. Books are the vessels of this knowledge, meticulously preserving and conveying insights across generations. They allow us to transcend the boundaries of time and space, immersing ourselves in the thoughts and experiences of others.

Elon Musk exemplifies the transformative power of reading. Known for his groundbreaking work in technology and space exploration, Musk is a paragon of autodidactic achievement. He famously learned rocket engineering not through formal education but through an intensive regimen of books. His self-directed study enabled him to acquire the sophisticated understanding necessary to lead SpaceX to unprecedented heights.

Musk’s journey underscores a profound truth: reading is not merely a passive activity but an active engagement with ideas that can drive innovation. By immersing oneself in books, one can cultivate a depth of knowledge and a breadth of understanding that are indispensable for creative and technical endeavors. This process of self-education is a testament to the boundless potential that reading unlocks, demonstrating its role as the main engine of learning in our quest to push the frontiers of what is possible.

Embrace Failure as a lesson

When learning something new, never worry about not getting it right away. Instead, embrace your mistakes and just get the reps in. Doing so increases your neuroplasticity, which makes learning happen 10 times faster.

Elon Musk and Space X are great examples of this. His first rocket, Falcon 1, had three of five launches fail miserably (40% success rate).

In contrast, his most recent Falcon 9 has only suffered two failures in 232 launches (92% success rate). Moral lesson? Learn from your mistakes.

Embracing failure is an art often overlooked in the pursuit of success. In every stumble and misstep lies a profound lesson waiting to be uncovered. The road to achievement is rarely a straight path; it meanders through trials and tribulations. Each setback is not merely a pitfall but a crucible where resilience is forged and character is tempered.

Recognizing failure as a pivotal teacher transforms our perspective. 

Instead of seeing it as an end, we begin to appreciate it as a vital part of the journey. It teaches humility, revealing the limits of our knowledge and skill. More importantly, it ignites innovation, pushing us to rethink strategies and explore new avenues.

Build A One-Track Mind

Studies show people older than 25 have a harder time learning. This is because the nervous systems of adults have less space in them to store new information. As an adult, the best way to force your brain to accept new patterns is through sheer focus while studying. No TV. No phones. No multitasking. Isolate yourself from the world and zone in.

Use technology To Your Advantage

We live in a time where technology can massively alter the scale and speed at which we learn. With AI, it’s possible to reduce a 100-page book to a 3-paragraph summary. Don’t hesitate to use these tools for your benefit.

While the act of learning itself will remain constant, the ‘how’ will continue to evolve. Just as the world adapted to Google as a learning tool 20 years ago, you must also learn to leverage new tools like ChatGPT. If you don’t, you’ll be left behind.

Get Tons Of Rest

Lastly, your brain can only focus for 90 minutes before needing an hour of rest. When you notice your mind wandering during study, drop everything and get some sleep. Just as you need sleep to grow muscle, you also need it to consolidate new information.

Don’t worry about losing time when you rest. Even in sleep, your brain revisits everything you’ve learned. It’s wired to process information even with your eyes closed. That means a quick nap doesn’t cost you anything. Instead, it does you a favor.


In this blog, we explore how to become a relentless learning machine like Elon Musk, Sam Altman, and Naval Ravikant. By adopting their strategies and mindsets, you can elevate your learning capabilities and achieve remarkable growth. The blog delves into the specific techniques these leaders use, such as first-principles thinking, deep work, and mental models. It also covers how to cultivate a growth mindset, set effective learning goals, and utilize tools and resources for continuous learning. Whether you’re seeking to enhance your personal or professional development, this guide offers actionable insights to transform your approach to learning.

Learn how to learn and freedom will be yours forever.

Dipesh Joshi

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