
How to achieve Happiness in life


Musk deer (Kasturi Mriga) can refer to anyone, or all seven, of the species that make up Moschus, which is the scientific name of it, the only extant genus of the family Moschidae. Despite being commonly called deer, they are not actual deer. Musk deer live mainly in forested and alpine scrub habitats in the mountains of southern Asia, notably the Himalayas. The musk gland is found only in adult males. Musk is a perfume ingredient, or note, traditionally extracted from the anal gland of the male musk deer. In high concentrations, it smells like feces. And the ingredients evaporate slowly, so the smell lasts a long time. That makes it a base note in perfumery. The fragrance is so heavenly, you’ve probably heard of the word musk, used in colognes and perfumes, that’s where it comes from. That is why it is called “Musk deer.” Natural musk is one of the most expensive and very rare available fragrances in the world.

Now I am telling you a very famous story of musk deer and its scent from the Upanishads.

As we talked about earlier musk deer have a special kind of fragrance in their gland, so what happens is that when the deer began to smell this fragrance, it doesn’t know where it’s coming from. It became one of the main goals for the deer, to find the source of this fragrance. It searched the bushes, the trees, and the caves; went from hill to hill looking for the origin of the scent, which was not found anywhere. It was so frustrating that eventually, it will jump down a cliff, into the valley… thinking that the source of the fragrance must be there! It died.

That’s it. The story ends there for the deer. It never really figured out the source, which is inside itself.

Feeling sad! Right?

But that story is a perfect example of how humans live their lives in search of happiness.

We are looking for happiness outside like musk deer. But it is inside us. Our search for happiness is always external. We look for it in new things, clothes, houses, cars, new jobs, TV shows, junk food, alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, and human love. But the truth is that none of those things can provide lasting happiness, only temporary pleasure. Even when we have them, we are scared of losing them. We spend our whole life in search of happiness in terms of success in school life as a topper, being famous in college life, having more social media friends, getting a job, or earning a lot of money to fulfill all our desires, of having a big house, car and so on.

According to a Forbes survey, most people after retirement say that happiness is not in earning money or having a big house and cars, but it is in having a beautiful life with lots and lots of memories worth living.

A great obstacle to happiness is to expect too much happiness.” — Bernard de Fontenelle

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Real happiness is to live the present moment to the fullest. Happiness is not a destination, it is a journey. It is continuous and a feeling of satisfaction.

“Happiness is a direction, not a place.”-Sydney J. Harris

What is Happiness?

Happiness is a belief, an idea, or a theory; but theories, beliefs, and ideas have the possibility of being wrong. According to Aristotle, happiness is an end, an end result of all the things a person does in his life. Everything, everyone does is for a reason, to achieve something else. Aristotle believes that “something else” is happiness. What is happiness then, and what “constitutes” Happiness? A happy man, Aristotle would say, is a man who has everything he really needs. He has those things which he needs to realize his potential. In realizing his potential he achieves happiness. That is why Aristotle says that the happy man wants nothing.

“Happiness depends upon ourselves.” — Aristotle

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According to the Bible, “True happiness is enjoying your own company and living in peace and harmony with your body, mind, and soul. True happiness is a state of mind constantly being in love with yourself. For being truly happy you neither need other people nor materialistic things. “Happiness is the consequence of personal effort.”

A person who isn’t disturbed by the incessant flow of desires — that enter like rivers into the ocean which is ever being filled but is always still — can alone achieve peace and not the person who strives to satisfy such desires.

The Bhagavad Gita 2:70

The Bhagavad Gita is about the search for happiness, but of a permanent kind — that’s only inside. I always recommend everyone to read The Bhagavad Gita at least once in their life. Everyone says that The Bhagavad Gita has all answers to life. At first, I also don’t believe that but after reading it I am also saying it has all answers to whatever question you are seeking. Especially it is a perfect book for happiness and peace in life.

I am writing more about happiness in my book. Now it’s just an article so my words are limited here.


The musk deer of the mountains sniffed a breath of musk perfume. He leaped from jungle to jungle in its pursuit. … The deer allowed itself to get fooled into thinking that the truth was outside, and neglected to look within. So don’t seek the perfume of happiness outside yourself and perish in the jungle of life.

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