
The Metamorphosis summary : Kafkasque

Metamorphosis These are my views after reading the story and also inspired by word sof…

Read Before 2025 Starts and Change Your Life

Beware it's not about Motivation, but it's about your Discipline. Read at your own pace…

Can you control your future? Optimism vs Pessimism

The future is an enigma—an interplay of hopes, fears, and the choices we make today.…

You Only Need One Skill To Win In Life : Learn and Excel

Imagine standing on the edge of a vast field of possibilities. There are countless paths…

“Mastering the Art of Unlearning: Unlearning is the new Learning”

What is Unlearn? Unlearning is a potent technique that enables people and organizations to make…

What is the Theory Of Everything? (In an easy way!)

The theory of everything is a concept in physics aimed at understanding the entire universe…


“Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to…

The Cosmic Connection: We Are the Creation of the Universe and the Creator of Our Own

Hello Readers! The idea that we are both creations of the universe and creators of…

“Mastering Time: Unleashing Productivity with the Pomodoro Technique”

The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late…

The Solitude of Creation: Exploring Why Artists Crave Alone Time

Artists are often drawn to solitude. They crave time alone to explore their ideas, experiment…