A recession is the best time to become a millionaire. A recession is the best time to be successful, It,s the best time to start a business, it’s the best time to do whatever you want from life. So let’s see how this will happen?

Warren Buffett

What is a recession? 

A recession is a period of negative economic growth. An economy that had been booming experiences a slowdown and the effects trickle down to everyone, from business owners to shoppers picking up their weekly groceries.

In economics, a recession is a business cycle contraction when there is a general decline in economic activity. Recessions generally occur when there is a widespread drop in spending (an adverse demand shock)

As tough as they can be to experience, recessions also offer important economic benefits.

Recessions can feel pretty awful as companies struggle to stay afloat, people lose their jobs, wages fall, homes and stocks lose value, and the government is cornered into borrowing money to stabilize the economy.

But it’s important to remember that recessions are part of the economic cycle. This is why, when the next one hits (and it will hit), it will also bring some positives — changes to the status quo that end up benefiting us as individuals and as a society. 

“There is no such thing as something for nothing.”


The first time I became wary of economic depression was when the government started handing out free money during the pandemic.

It was too easy. Free checks to the entire country and economic relief in the form of grants for small businesses. It was so easy to get money.

Here’s the problem with that. Business owners didn’t have to use their brains to get out of the jam. I didn’t want the money. It was a safety net that would only make it less likely that I would get resourceful and figure it out.

I knew that somewhere down the line, we would have to pay up for the handouts and as Wall Street is stumbling and inflation is taking center stage, the time to pay the piper has arrived.

The time to bulletproof your business is now. You still have time but it’s running out.

The great depression made more millionaires than in any other period of American history and in this next one, our capitalist economy will be in prime condition to spit out hundreds more.

Here are the three things you must do to set yourself up to become the next recession-made millionaire…

1. Time to Put Your Head Down and Hustle
The time for strategizing is over. The time for trying to figure out the best way forward has come and gone. Time is still on your side, but it won’t be for much longer.

Right now is the moment to start waking up a little earlier, staying at the office a little later, and using some grit to pass on a few more social events. You may not like this but there are moments in history where leaders are born and, my friends, you’re in one.

Know that it won’t be forever. Know that there is light at the end of the tunnel and surround yourself with a supporting cast who appreciates your dream and GO ALL IN!

2. Maximize YOURSELF

In all the years I’ve been in the business transformation business, there is one thing that has stood out to me as the single greatest difference between a successful business and one that shrivels up and dies. It’s the entrepreneur’s ability to maximize their God-given abilities.

Explosive business transformations are rooted in energy-rich leaders who are motivated day and night to serve their community. You know this and I know this but we don’t always feel like it.

You must understand that you can do something about this. Science has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that you can train yourself to produce an unlimited supply of energy and literally rewire your brain to become more productive each and every day.

Here at Weight Room Wealth, our program does just that. We use cutting-edge science and technology to create an explosion of energy and productivity in the entrepreneur and it’s something you cannot afford to procrastinate on. Learn more about that here.

3. Don’t Leave Anything to Chance, Find a Mentor

You should be in a rush. You should be doing everything you can to maximize every second of the day. This means NOT running your business through trial and error.

The easiest way to get the most out of your time is to find someone who has already traveled the road that you are on and can advise you on what to look out for.

Going it alone will certainly bring experience…which is just a nice way of saying “struggle,” but why not press the fast forward button? Why not skip ahead to the good part?

If everything they say doesn’t make total sense to you…GOOD! Isn’t that the point? You cannot possibly know what you don’t know, so maybe they know something you don’t!

So having a mentor saves your time and energy to reach at your results.

There are some benefits of recession too.

1. Efficiency increases

Inefficient companies simply find it too difficult to stay afloat when sales lag. Economic declines remind companies to jettison excess inventory and cut their overheads. It teaches them to streamline processes in a way that saves on costs but still meets the needs of their customers.

2. It balances everyday costs

Just as high employment leads companies to raise their prices, high unemployment leads them to cut prices in order to move goods and services. People on fixed incomes and those who keep most of their money in cash can benefit from new, lower prices.

Imagine what would happen if the economy never slowed. Unchecked, growth leads to higher wages — which may sound great until you realize that those higher wages can cause high inflation and push up the costs of everyday goods. The more everyday goods cost, the less certain consumers can keep pace. A recession brings the entire process to a crawl long enough to reset prices to a more manageable level.

3. It changes our mindset

Nearly all of us will be impacted by a recession in some way. During times of economic downturns, Americans are reminded of how important it is to live below our means (or at the very least, within our means). It prods us to save for the next rainy day, keep our emergency fund tops up, and reevaluate how we manage money.

People save more during recessions. That does not help economic recovery, but given that only one-fifth of Americans are confident they can last more than three paychecks, a lot of people would benefit from saving more.

If you have money invested in stocks — or are considering opening your first brokerage account– the main thing is not to stop investing, but to make sure you invest for the long term. The value of stocks will always rise and fall, and the easiest mistake to make is to panic and sell during the lows.

As economists predict the next recession with the fervor of a Midwestern weatherman predicting a tornado, it’s important to remember that every storm cloud has a silver lining. Even recessions

Businesses win over the recession

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Dipesh Joshi is totally weirdo, He lives with more books than people.
Jade blue street
150 Feet ring road, Rajkot
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